232 research outputs found

    A Practical Approach In Developing Information And Communication Technology Curricula

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    ABSTRAK Information and communication technology (ICT) education is an important factor in the effort of developing knowledge-based society in Indonesia. Higher education institutions must develop solid ICT curricula and implement them in their ICT education. However, this effort is not trivial due to constraining factors such as broad coverage and dynamic characteristics of ICT itself This paper discusses a practical and flexible approach for developing ICT curricula. Our approach is based on a curriculum reference. Selection of such a reference is crucial due to the need of a solid curriculum design foundation for a broad range of directions of ICT education. In this paper we propose a reference based on the work of curricula teams of IEEE, ACM, AIS, and AITP. We use the reference like a workbench, allowing ICT curriculum designers to perform flexible composition of curriculum elements and to support effort to meet specific competence requirements Keywords: communication technology curricul

    Software development in a web-based environment

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    ABSTRACT The advances of computer networks and data communications have led us to an era of network-based software. A very popular approach in developing such software is building the software on top of Web technologies. The capabilities of working under heterogenous platforms and seamless integration of static and dynamic information make Web application programs very different to those of ordinary, non-Web applications. Consequently, developing such a software needs a different approach. A research has been conducted to investigate the differences in their development issues. The research was performed by comparing the development methods of an application aimed to run in the two different environments. This paper reports the results and suggests some points on migrating an ordinary software to a Web-based environment. Understanding this is useful as the global computing tendency is shifting to distributed computing where differences and details in underlying hardware and operating systems are abstracted out of the users

    An Optimum Database for Isolated Word in Speech Recognition System

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    Speech recognition system (ASR) is a technology that allows computers receive the input using the spoken words. This technology requires sample words in the pattern matching process that is stored in the database. There is no reference as the fundamental theory to develop database in ASR. So, the research of database development to optimize the performance of the system is required.  Mel-scale frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) is used to extract the characteristics of speech signal and backpropagation neural network in quantized vector is used to evaluate likelihood the maximum log values to the nearest pattern in the database.  The results shows the robustness of ASR is optimum using 140 samples of data reference for each word with an average of accuracy is 99.95% and duration process is 27.4 msec.  The investigation also reported the gender doesn’t have significantly influence to the accuracy.  From these results it concluded that the performance of ASR can be increased by optimizing the database

    Mel-frequencies Stochastic Model for Gender Classification based on Pitch and Formant

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    Speech recognition applications are becoming more and more useful nowadays. Before this technology is applied, the first step is test the system to measure the reliability of system.  The reliability of system can be measured using accuracy to recognize the speaker such as speaker identity or gender.  This paper introduces the stochastic model based on mel-frequencies to identify the gender of speaker in a noisy environment.  The Euclidean minimum distance and back propagation neural networks were used to create a model to recognize the gender from his/her speech signal based on formant and pitch of Mel-frequencies. The system uses threshold technique as identification tool. By using this threshold value, the proposed method can identifies the gender of speaker up to 94.11% and the average of processing duration is 15.47 msec. The implementation result shows a good performance of the proposed technique in gender classification based on speech signal in a noisy environment

    Resource allocation model for grid computing environment

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    Grid computing is a collection of heterogeneous resources that is highly dynamic and unpredictable. It is typically used for solving scientific or technical problems that require a large number of computer processing cycles or access to substantial amounts of data. Various resource allocation strategies have been used to make resource use more productive, with subsequent distributed environmental performance increases. The user sends a job by providing a predetermined time limit for running that job. Then, the scheduler gives priority to work according to the request and scheduling policy and places it in the waiting queue. When the resource is released, the scheduler selects the job from the waiting queue with a specific algorithm. Requests will be rejected if the required resources are not available. The user can re-submit a new request by modifying the parameter until available resources can be found. Eventually, there is a decrease in idle resources between work and resource utilization, and the waiting time will increase. An effective scheduling policy is required to improve resource use and reduce waiting times. In this paper, the FCFS-LRH method is proposed, where jobs received will be sorted by arrival time, execution time, and the number of resources needed. After the sorting process, the work will be placed in a logical view, and the job will be sent to the actual resource when it executes. The experimental results show that the proposed model can increase resource utilization by 1.34% and reduce waiting time by 20.47% when compared to existing approaches. This finding could be beneficially implemented in cloud systems resource allocation management

    Pengembangan Situs Social Networking Berbasis Penelitian (KoKKo) Menggunakan PHP Framework CodeIgniter

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    KoKKo merupakan aplikasi berbasis web yang mengacu pada paradigma Web 2.0 dan merupakan pengembangan social networking berbasis penelitian. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan KoKKo pada lingkungan PHP sebagai pengganti lingkungan pengembangan sebelumnya: ASP.NET. Dengan lingkungan PHP, KoKKo diharapkan dapat lebih berkembang pada periode berikutnya. Pengembangan aplikasi KoKKo menggunakanframework PHP Codelgniter yang berkonsep MVC (Model View Controller). Model berisikan fungsi-fungsi untuk mengakses database KoKKo. View merupakan bentuk informasi yang nantinya disampaikan/ditampilkan kepada pengguna, dan Controller berisi fungsi-fungsi untuk mengakses Model. View atau resource lainnya sehingga dapat menghasilkan sebuah halaman web. Dengan konsep MVC, arsitektur awal KoKKo yaitu arsitektur 3-tiers dapat dipertahankan. Penelitian ini juga menambahkan beberapa fitur pada KoKKo. Di antaranyafitur Share Your Idea, Notification, dan Discussion Board.


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    Sistem informasi keuangan negara merupakan sistem yang digunakan pemerintah dalam melaksanakan pengelolaan keuangan negara. Sistem informasi keuangan diharapkan dapat menghasilkan laporan keuangan yang handal, akurat, tepat waktu dan akuntabel. Untuk dapat meyakini kehandalan laporan keuangan yang dihasilkan dari sistem informasi, Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) perlu melakukan audit sistem informasi dalam audit laporan keuangan. Penelitian ini akan meneliti melalui survey yang dilakukan kepada auditor BPK untuk menentukan IT process terpenting dari 37 IT process yang ada dalam kerangka kerja COBIT 5 yang dapat dijadikan acuan dalam melakukan audit sistem informasi dalam audit laporan keuangan. Hasil yang didapatkan terdapat 8 (delapan) IT process terpenting dari 5 domain yang terdapat dalam kerangka kerja COBIT 5. IT process terpenting tersebut dinilai penting oleh auditor untuk dapat diterapkan oleh auditor BPK dalam melaksanakan audit sistem informasi dalam audit laporan keuangan

    Applying Integrating Testing of Microservices in Airline Ticketing System

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    Microservices have been applied on several major systems including airlines. The characteristics of microservices which are independent and also interconnected need to be tested. The testing is done to preserve the system’s sequential stage processes, especially the online ticket reservation. Four features which are the search, booking, payment, and booking info feature are tested. This research performed three stages of testing on the microservices, those are unit testing, integrity testing, and end-to-end testing. Unit testing was conducted to test every function on every nodule, integrity testing was done to test interconnection between microservices, and end-to-end testing was to test the final results obtained after the unit test and integrity test were carried out. The three stages of testing must be done sequentially. The system on the airline provides the valid or correct response. Three stages of testing can be applied on other airlines by obtaining a legal API and can be accessed publicly
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